March 14
Remembering Walter Grinder (1938-2022)

Remembering Walter Grinder (1938-2022)

December 8, 2022
This morning, I heard the sad news that Walter Grinder, alumnus of Grove City College (my alma mater and employer), has passed away.
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Tyler Cowen has a tribute here. Previously, Peter Boettke and George Selgin wrote about Grinder’s influence on them. Through his work with the Institute for Humane Studies, he influenced countless scholars of liberty.
I only “met” Walter digitally—and that only some eight months ago. He was immensely encouraging to this younger “Grover” in regards to both teaching and scholarship. In one of his final emails to me, he wrote: “I am very pleased to know that the new generation of real classical liberals is so enlightened and able.” May we be worthy of his legacy.