Marginalia on the ordinary business of life
Reading Read, Organizationally
My Letter from Eve Menger
Introducing the “Mere Economics” Blog
Macro “economics”?
Organizing the Ordinary Business of Life
Rings, Rituals, Routines
Did Smith, Ricardo, and Mill Toil in Vain?
Is There a “Property Rights Economics” Canon?
Piecing the Progress Puzzle—A “Mere Economics” Teaser
Remembering James C. Scott (1936-2024)
Recrudescent Rent Control
The Owner- “Ship” of Enterprise
Brewing Business: Production under Prohibition
The Tradeoff Tango
The Economist’s Treasury
Hobbesian Horrors and Walmart Wonders—A “Mere Economics” Appetizer
No Economist is an Island
The Bourgeosie Hate This One Weird Trick
This Time isn’t Different
F.A. Hayek’s Commentary on Genesis
He Knows if You’ve Been Bad or Good
My $4,197.25 T-Shirt
The Cartelization of Talent: Implications for Growth
Economics East of Eden
The Central Planning Quality Quandary
All Good Economists Have Read “Human Action”
The Vanishing Coasean Bargain
Minimum Wage Mirage
Nirvana vs. Now
Has Austrian Economics Triumphed?
Produce Puzzles
After Shleifer, Who Needs Mises?
In Which My Students Impress
Economies of Scale(s)
Demsetz in Reverse
Free Business Advice
Not Rot
Transaction Cost Tyrants
Tariffs Make U.S. Fat
ChatGPT-Induced Adjustment at the Margin
Not All Apriorism is Created Equal
Free the Brand Name Mechanism
Strangers with Candy
The Minimum Wage Seesaw
Does Robinson Crusoe “Own” Stuff?
Substitutes Everywhere
Superfluous Discovery—Prohibition Edition
Apocalypse Not
Free Markets are Regulated Markets
Can Tiny Walmart Survive?
The Microfoundations of Unintended Consequences
Peter Boettke at the ASSC
Doing Well by Doing Good
Conspicuous Investment
“On Socialism”
Commerce in Cuneiform
“Mere Economics: Lessons for and from the Ordinary Business of Life”
Remembering Yuri Maltsev (1950-2023)
Spoiled Rotten
The Paradox of 20th Century Growth—And Other Big Questions
Compared to What?
Freedom’s College
Remembering the Prince of Property Rights: Yoram Barzel (1931-2022)
ChatGPT’s Price Theory Quiz Scrapes a B-
Why Don’t We Tip Our Nurse?
In Search of Monsters to Destroy
Remembering Walter Grinder (1938-2022)
Francois Mitterand Impoverished France
Cowen’s Cryptic Claim
Remembering Michael Maloney (1949-2021)
A Price-Theoretic Pothole
Bargaining over Beauty
Vehicle Inspections Tax the Poor
Higgs Remembers Coase
Once More with Feeling
Power 1, Liberty 0—in 2021
Beyond Scroogenomics
Diamonds are Forever
“Social Cooperation” (1949)—by Ludwig von Mises?
Oh, the Places You’ll Go
A Secret, Silent Miracle
What Problem Were They Solving?
Law Merchant Denialism
The (Renaissance) Art of Rent-Seeking
Long Live Thomas Sowell!
The Micro-Microeconomics of Inflation
Contractual Conundrums
Eponymous Enterprise
Jobless in Seattle
Internet Explorer, RIP
A Pig in a Poke
Economists on Price Gouging—So-Called
Exchange Enigmas
Markets Work Better Than You Think
Institutions and Organizations Syllabi
Corporation and Leviathan
Poppies and Prosperity
Why (Barber) Wages Rise
‘X’ Defies ‘Basic Economics’
The Best in the Business (Aren’t Actually in Business)
Frog & Toad Together
“Mere Economics”
The Ownership of Exercise
Folk Economics in the Lab
If Something Exists, It Is Possible
Tied to the Mast
Perishing for Want of Wonder
Follow the (Economic) Science
Yes, Virginia—There is an Economic Science
Property Rights Economics at 1600 Penn Avenue
Non-Competes Benefit Workers
Coase, Cattle, and Other Classics
Destroying Property to Save Property
Coase Goes to War
Property Rights Pioneer: Remembering Svetozar Pejovich (1931-2021)
Everyday Economic Errors
Murray Rothbard Would Have Been 95 Today
Life on the Edge
Walter “Excellent” Williams (1936-2020): A Life for Liberty
Tails to Astonish
Introducing Marginalia!